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Sunday, 28 November 2010



From: Greg Lance-Watkins
eMail: Greg_L-W (Greg_L-W@BTconnect.com)
Tel:      UK: 01291 – 62 65 62

Thus The Minister should have stated:
Tim Loughton declares:
'Forced adoptions reach epidemic proportions'.


In the light of this and the many other abuses of the people by Government and their increasingly corrupt and authoritarian agents of the kleptocratic QUANGOcracy it is being planned that there will be a totally silent protest of the Gagged and abused peoples whose voice is not being heard or represented by the fat cats of Government or their lakeys.

The SILENT & PEACEFULL DEMONSTRATION will be held on the last Wednesday of The Month of February  - 23-Feb-2011 – the next will be held 3 months later on the last Wednesday of the month on 25-May-2011.

NO LICENCE will be applied for as WE THE PEOPLE will be doing nothing more than excercising our democratic right and freedom to pass on Her Majesties Highway.

The Demonstration of our opprobrium will be in Parliament Square where people, together with their children are invited to wear apparell or pictures that display in what wat they believe they have been gagged & dennied democracy:

The Disapeared Ones:
Those who have had their children forcibly removed by Social Services
Those who have been denied access to their children
Those whose children have been forcibly adopted.

The Gagged:
Those who object to being denied the PROMISED Referendum on membership of The EU.

Will vbe permitted to HiJack a silent peacefull demonstration.

The Police will have no part in this event and their presence will clearly be seen as a provocation.


We are at the momernt debating a Uniform Presence on 29th. April at The Royal Wedding of the heir to OUR throne based upon:

Prince William heir to WHAT THRONE?
Don’t GAG the people we WILL be heard

Greg L-W.


With a FORUM:







'Open the curtains, throw open the windows and permit the light of investigation and fresh air into family courts and sexual, emotional and physical abuse of the vulnerable - expose the abuse & the abuse of authority of those acting in OUR name! No child asked to be or enjoys abuse, it is for the gratification of the inadequate'. To understand the Concept & Services of Stolen????- where you can help yourself and others: StolenKids- 4 Those losing kids due to 'authorities' ie Forced Adoption & Care! GO TO http://stolenkids-bloggers.blogspot.com/ Or perhaps more suited to YOUR needs: StolenChildhood- 4 those facing abuse past or present sexual or other! GO TO http://stolenchildhood-bloggers.blogspot.com/ or StolenTrust- 4 those where or have suffered abuse within a relationship! GO TO http://StolenTrust-bloggers.blogspot.com/ or StolenOyster- 4 those who have been abused or raped by a stranger or stalker GO TO http://StolenOyster-bloggers.blogspot.com/
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28-Nov-2010 - Telegraph - Booker - Forced Adoption & Minister's Comment.

28-Nov-2010 - Telegraph - Booker - Forced Adoption & Minister's Comment.


We note with interest that The Children's Minister Tim Loughton, having asked Social Services!!!! glibly claims that only 10% of child adoptions go wrong.

Please permit me to point out three simple points to bear in mind when you read Christopher Booker's report:

01. these are not slight technical errors, a single solitary mistake destroys the lives of the child being abused by Tim Loughton's Ministry, the parents, any siblings, grandparents and is a whole life sentence!

02. one need only study the demographics of the British prison population where a disproportionate percentage include the 'care' of the authorities in their carriculum!

03. it is interesting that a Government Minister, based on unsound sourcing of data, claims 10% to be of no consequence! Perhaps at the next Cabinet Meeting he could get the Health Minister to explain to him why the medical profession consider 11% to classify as an epidemic!

Thus The Minister should have stated:
Tim Loughton declares:
'Forced adoptions reach epidemic proportions'.

Forced adoptions get no sympathy
from the ministry

While loving families are torn apart,
Whitehall insists the system is working fine,
Children's Minister Tim Loughton
with children from a family in Lambeth

By Christopher Booker 6:56PM GMT 27 Nov 2010

Last week I listened for an hour to a sobbing mother describing how she recently lost the six-year-old daughter who is the centre of her life. Her fatal mistake was to ask social workers for advice when she was being troubled by "harassment" from the child's father, from whom she parted some years ago. Within days, although it was never suggested that she had harmed her daughter in any way, she found herself facing a "case conference" of 20 people at the local council offices, the conclusion of which was that her child must be placed in foster care.

The solicitor she was given by the social workers refused to oppose the care order. At a "contact" session, when she and her bewildered daughter emotionally expressed their love for each other, the interview was halted. She has not been allowed to see her child again.

Having followed dozens of such cases in recent months, which suggest that something has gone horribly wrong with our child protection system, I was recently invited for an off-the-record ministerial discussion about what I have been reporting. But far from recognising that anything might be astray, the official line, it seems, is that the horrifying cases I have covered represent only an untypical minority of the total – "less than 10 per cent". In general, the system is working fine.

This line seems to be confirmed by the latest guidance issued to local authorities by the Children's Minister, Tim Loughton, who says that too many councils are failing to ensure that enough children are being adopted, and that the backsliders must speed up their flow of adoptions. No question as to whether social workers might be snatching too many of the wrong children in the first place – or why the courts seem so eager to support them that, of around 8,000 applications made each year for care orders, only one in 400 is refused.

I shall give just one disturbing instance of the latest developments in a case I have been following for months. Like many others, this came to me through the Forced Adoption website, run by former councillor Ian Josephs. It involves a married couple whose five older children were seized earlier this year, subsequent to which their latest baby was torn from its mother's arms only hours after it was born.

The bizarre story originally stated by the social workers to justify their ruthless intervention in this family's life seems to have collapsed. At a recent court hearing, I am told, the judge seemed disposed to reunite the family as soon as possible. The baby was returned to her parents later that day. But the council asked for 21 days' stay of execution before returning the five older children, three of whom the parents had not been allowed to see for weeks. The judge apparently agreed but insisted that an independent social worker should interview the children.

The independent social worker eventually managed to interview four of the children, apparently reporting that they all wished to be allowed to go home to their parents. But the court refused to give the parents a copy of the judge's ruling, and on Friday they were summoned back to hear from him that he had now seemingly changed his mind and that the children did not wish to come home after all. According to the parents, they were not allowed to question the evidence on which he based his new ruling, although they were told they could appeal.

What on earth is going on here? Even from the little I am permitted to report of this case, it seems evident that something seriously odd is afoot.

But this is merely one of far too many cases where families are being heartlessly torn apart, often without the parents even being allowed to question the evidence or to speak for themselves. To hear such horror stories being dismissed as representing "less than 10 per cent" of all the cases where children are seized is simply not good enough. Each is shocking enough in its own right. But when every week brings news of a dozen more, this only confirms that we indeed have a national scandal on our hands.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

For an all too familiar story CLICK HERE

'Open the curtains, throw open the windows and permit the light of investigation and fresh air into family courts and sexual, emotional and physical abuse of the vulnerable - expose the abuse & the abuse of authority of those acting in OUR name! No child asked to be or enjoys abuse, it is for the gratification of the inadequate'.

To understand the Concept & Services of Stolen????-
where you can help yourself and others:
- 4 Those losing kids due to 'authorities' ie Forced Adoption & Care!
GO TO http://stolenkids-bloggers.blogspot.com/

Or perhaps more suited to YOUR needs:
StolenChildhood- 4 those facing abuse past or present sexual or other!
GO TO http://stolenchildhood-bloggers.blogspot.com/

or StolenTrust- 4 those where or have suffered abuse within a relationship!
GO TO http://StolenTrust-bloggers.blogspot.com/

or StolenOyster- 4 those who have been abused or raped by a stranger or stalker
GO TO http://StolenOyster-bloggers.blogspot.com/

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Thursday, 25 November 2010

25-Nov-2010 - Joseph FRITZL of Argentina - TELEGRAPH shows abuse is NOT class based!

25-Nov-2010 - Joseph FRITZL of Argentina - TELEGRAPH shows abuse is NOT class based!

Argentine accused of fathering 10 children with own daughter
A 62-year-old man was arrested and charged with raping his daughter for more than 30 years and fathering 10 children with her, in a case "even worse" than that of Austria's Josef Fritzl in 2008, a judge said on Wednesday.

Judge brands case "even worse" than that of Austria's Josef Fritzl

Photo: GETTY IMAGES12:11AM GMT 25 Nov 2010

"The accused denied the allegations but DNA tests have confirmed paternity," Judge Virgilio Palud told local radio.

The man has been charged with repeated sexual abuse and incest, crimes which carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, he added.

The man, whose identity was not disclosed, was arrested in June for alleged cattle rustling, prompting his daughter, now aged 43, to report him to the police despite his threats of harm if she talked. The case was first reported on Wednesday.

Related Articles

Austria: The horror of being Frau Fritzl 02 May 2008
Josef Fritzl's punishment chambers explored 04 May 2008
Police guard clinic treating family 04 May 2008
Josef Fritzl served time for rape, says sister-in-law 04 May 2008
Fritzl imprisoned daughter behind eight doors 05 May 2008
Police name 'Argentine Josef Fritzl'25 Nov 2010
The daughter, whose identity was also not released, claims to have been beaten and raped since the age of 13 at the family's home in the village of Nicanor Molinas, 600 kilometres (375 miles) north of Buenos Aires.

She said the incestuous rapes resulted in 10 children, now ages seven to 27, and that only the eldest knows their father and grandfather are one and the same, Judge Palud said.

"It's even worse than what happened in Austria," he added, referring to the horrific crimes of Josef Fritzl, sentenced to life in 2009 for having kept his daughter imprisoned for 24 years, fathering seven children with her and killing one of them.

In the Argentine case, one of the 10 children born of the rapes has already died.

Judge Palud said another daughter of the suspect also claims to have been raped repeatedly by her father and to have had an abortion before she fled her home in the farming community of Santa Fe province.

The case is the third such shocking father-daughter abuse to emerge in Argentina recently.

Last year, the case of the "Monster of Mendoza" gripped Argentina, when a 67-year-old man was accused of raping and fathering seven children with one of his three daughters.

And last month, a 60-year old man in central Cordoba province was charged with having raped his daughter over a period of 20 years and fathered six children with her, including a girl – his own granddaughter – whom he was also raping.

The latest rape and incest case "is remarkable for the amount of violence and the length of time it lasted," but "in Reconquista (near Nicanor Molinas) and northern Santa Fe, sexual abuse within families is commonplace," said Judge Palud.

He said in Vera, another city in Santa Fe, "they had to build a special prison wing to house sexual offenders."
To view the original CLICK HERE

It must be difficult for promoters of the Hollie Greig 'STORIES' to come to terms with the inescapable fact that sexual abuse of children is not all organised by the state, the authorities and convenient cover-up fantasies - there are a huge number of GENUINE cases of sexual abuse with evidence, validity and admissible proof!
'Open the curtains, throw open the windows and permit the light of investigation and fresh air into family courts and sexual, emotional and physical abuse of the vulnerable - expose the abuse & the abuse of authority of those acting in OUR name! No child asked to be or enjoys abuse, it is for the gratification of the inadequate'.
To understand the Concept & Services of Stolen????-
where you can help yourself and others: StolenKids-
4 Those losing kids due to 'authorities' ie Forced Adoption & Care!
Or perhaps more suited to YOUR needs: StolenChildhood- 
4 those facing abuse past or present sexual or other!
or StolenTrust-
4 those where or have suffered abuse within a relationship!
or StolenOyster-
4 those who have been abused or raped by a stranger or stalker
To See The Links Page
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Sunday, 21 November 2010

21-Nov-2010 - Telegraph - Booker - Tony & Debbie SIMS & Shannon

21-Nov-2010 - Telegraph - Booker - Tony & Debbie SIMS & Shannon

#SADS016* - TELEGRAPH - BOOKER 21-Nov-2010

The Sunday Telegraph

Based on the prepublication embargoed proof.

social workers and the police.

This was the case of Tony and Debbie Sims, which I first reported in July 2009 under the headline “Evil destruction’ of a happy family’, and whom I can now name because their daughter, torn from them for no good reason, has now, after three years of misery in foster care and 74 court hearings, finally been adopted.

The story of Mr and Mrs Sims was my first introduction to that
Kafka-esque world of state child-snatching which I have so often reported on since, and illustrates so many of the reasons why, hidden behind its self-protective wall of secrecy, this ruthless and corrupt system has become a major national scandal.

Until April 2007, Mr Sims, a professional dog-breeder, and his wife, then a branch vice-chairman of the local
Conservative Party, were a respectable middle-class couple living happily with the five-year old daughter who was the apple of their eye. Shortly after Mr Sims had been interviewed by the RSPCA over his unwitting infringement of a new law banning tail-docking of puppies, their home was invaded by two RSPCA officials and 18 policemen, who had been given a wholly erroneous tip-off that there were guns on the premises,

When the dogs were released from their kennels and rampaged through the house, ripping apart his daughter’s pet boxer, Mr Sims strongly protested - verbally but not physically. He was arrested, his wife likewise and they were taken away, leaving their little girl, aged five, screaming amid the chaos. Social workers were called and the child was removed into foster care, While Mrs Sims was being held for several hours in a police cell she had a miscarriage. She returned home that night to find her daughter gone.

When the couple next saw their child at a ‘contact’ months later, she said she had been told they were dead and had gone to heaven. For three years they tried to get her back through those 74 court hearings, The social workers claimed the child had been maltreated because her home was an unholy mess. But this was only because of the police raid and the dogs - a WPC who visited the house a month earlier on other business reported that it had been ‘neat and tidy’.

The child could not understand why she was not allowed to go back home with her parents, The courts were unable to consider a report by an experienced independent social worker which the couple were told described them as responsible and loving parents. The only evidence the court heard was that from the social workers and their own ‘experts’. When the couple were eventually told that their child would be adopted, they appealed.

In a judgment which was last year allowed to be reported, Mr Justice Boden ruled that, because the parents had not shown sufficient co-operation with the authorities (after four psychiatric assessments of the couple, the father refused to submit to a fifth), the adoption must go ahead, One of the first people to contact the parents when this was reported was the independent social worker expressing astonishment, saying he had assumed that, because the social workers’ case seemed so flimsy, the family would have long since been reunited. Last week Mr and Mrs Sims had a two-sentence note to say their daughter has now been adopted.

Since I first wrote about this case in 2009 I have come to recognise many of its features in dozens of others I have followed: the mob-handed involvement of the police; the seizing of children for no good reason; the inability of social workers to admit they have made a mistake; lawyers supposedly acting for the parents who seem to be on the other side; the refusal of judges to look objectively at all the evidence, and their willingness to accept nonsense told them by social workers and their ‘experts’. Too often these proceedings get away with standing every honourable principle of \British justice on its head.

Such is the Frankenstein’s monster created by Parliament in the 1989 Children Act. Yet apart from the tireless
John Hemming, and a handful of other MPs shocked into awareness by individual cases in their constituencies, the majority seem wholly unconcerned. So what do we pay them for?

'Open the curtains, throw open the windows and permit the light of investigation and fresh air into family courts and sexual, emotional and physical abuse of the vulnerable - expose the abuse & the abuse of authority of those acting in OUR name!

No child asked to be or enjoys abuse,
it is for the gratification of the inadequate'.

To understand the Concept & Services of
Stolen????- where you can help yourself and others:
StolenKids- 4 Those losing kids due to 'authorities' ie Forced Adoption & Care!
GO TO http://stolenkids-bloggers.blogspot.com/
Or perhaps more suited to YOUR needs:
StolenChildhood- 4 those facing abuse past or present sexual or other!
GO TO http://stolenchildhood-bloggers.blogspot.com/ or
StolenTrust- 4 those where or have suffered abuse within a relationship!
GO TO http://StolenTrust-bloggers.blogspot.com/ or
StolenOyster- 4 those who have been abused or raped by a stranger or stalker
GO TO http://StolenOyster-bloggers.blogspot.com/
To See The Links Page

Booker Column 21 Nov 2010

According to the family’s GP, in 43 years of medical practice he had ‘never encountered a case of such appalling injustice’. To their neighbours it was so shocking that up to 100 of them were ready to stage a public protest, until being banned from doing so by